Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Don't....

like zucchini or squash or yams even tho my mom say I would if I just try them. I have. Still gross!
eat soggy cereal or soggy-squishy-feely foods like in number 1.
care for Salt Lake City
have blonde hair
like fruit punch
like sugar in anything I drink, and Yes that means coffee, tea and Kool-aid!
like the sound or the feel of a nail file...on me or anyone else for that matter.
like it when your pencil has no earaser and you try to erase anyway and the metal scrapes.
like to file papers.
like people who stop completely in order to turn while driving.
understand why Phillip won't finish the last bite of a Snickers or the last swallow of soda.
know why Texans say "You-ston" instead of "Houston."
understand why Peanut still (at 14mths old) isn't sleeping thru the night.
like to fold or put away clothes, but I will...eventually.
like to dust or empty the dishwasher, but I do anyway.
go #2 with Phillip anywhere near the bathroom.
like math of any kind.
like syrup on my pancakes or waffles.
really care much for ketchup.
like cherry flavored medicine.
like the placement of the lightswitches in the house.
like Jelly watching The Simpsons or Family Guy.
like the Telletubbies or Calliou (cartoons for kidlets)
much care for spicy food.
like having to sweep the floors every 5 minutes because of the mass amounts of doghair.
like dog hair on Everything.
like cleaning out the catbox since Jelly doesn't do it right.
like that Jelly thinks she is "too old to be tucked in at night."
really care for talking on the phone.
eat bananas if they have brown spots on the peel. Refer back to #2.
like dates or figs or anything with them in it, even tho mom tells me they're soooo good!
like walnuts....all all!
do mornings or wake up happy, ever!
have a green thumb, but I try.
understand how it is that your head can hold that much snot when your sick.
like that Jelly is obsessed with boys at age 7.
like that my breasts didn't go back down to 'normal' cup size after Peanut was born like they did after Jelly.
eat red apples...or yellow ones.
think I'll ever forget the rotten cabbage and warm poo smell in Korea. Unfortunately.
think I could tolerate anyone other than my husband.
like that my sister has 3 kids and goes to the club as often as she does.
know what I'd do if I didn't know my friend, 'Anais.'
go a day (a moment really) without coffee! EVER!!

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